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4 Ways You Can Beat Denture Breath

July 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Rachit Goyal @ 4:24 pm
Elderly woman smiling and pointing with her index finger on each side of her face at her smile

If you’re missing teeth, dentures can offer a boost of confidence by restoring the state of your smile. Although they look natural and durable, dentures provide the same functionality as your other teeth, they can often go neglected when it comes to your oral hygiene routine. If you’re not cleaning your dentures every day, tartar, plaque, and food debris can build up over time and cause “denture breath”. Nobody wants to walk around with bad breath: that’s just another thing to be self-conscious of! Here are 4 ways you can beat denture breath to freshen up your smile.

#1: Level Up Your Oral Hygiene Routine

It’s essential that you are properly cleaning your dentures to remove the bacteria that causes bad breath. Here are some measures you can take to ensure your dentures stay clean:

  • Brush your dentures at least once every day. At least once a day, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive denture cleaner to gently brush your dentures. This is to remove food, plaque, and other smelly particles from within the grooves.
  • Remove and rinse your dentures after eating. After eating, rinsing your dentures under running water can remove food particles that lead to microbial growth.
  • Clean your mouth when you’re not wearing your dentures. After removing your dentures, rinse your mouth out to remove any odorous bacteria and food particles. If you have them, make sure to take care of your natural teeth with your usual oral hygiene routine as well!
  • Soak your dentures overnight. Your dentures need to stay moist when they’re not in your mouth. This ensures that they stay hygienic by killing the germs and removing the food particles that cause smelly dentures. Place them in a glass of water or a special denture-cleaning solution while you sleep.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene habits. Clean your gums, tongue, and cheeks with a soft-bristled toothbrush or gauze every morning and night. This will help regularly clear out lingering debris and oral health issues that can contribute to bad breath.

#2: Steer Clear of Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is a common cause of bad breath for both denture users and non-denture users. A lack of saliva creates a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria to grow. To combat dry mouth, drink more water, cut down on caffeine and alcohol, and double-check the side effects of any medication you’re on.

#3: Get Supplemental Cleaning Tools

There are a few cleaning tools, such as an ultrasonic cleaning kit, that you can use to supplement brushing and overnight soaking. You can also rinse your mouth every night with a non-alcoholic, antibacterial mouthwash. This can help control microbial growth in your mouth and flush out any lingering food particles that may leave an odor.

#4: Regularly See Your Dentist

By visiting your dentist every six months, they can see if there are any other underlying reasons for your denture breath. Bad breath can be caused by gum disease, long-term neglect of your teeth and gums, cavities, and more. Your dentist will detect and treat these issues before they become more serious.

About the Practice

At Riviera Family Dentistry, Drs. Luke Vernon and Zach Kingsberg provide high-quality care so you’ll be smiling widely for years to come. They craft customized dentures for optimal comfort and offer a range of options, including partial, full, and implant dentures. If you’re tired of dealing with smelly denture breath, contact Riviera Family Dentistry at their website or by phone at (720) 640-0272.