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Dentures – Denver, CO

Restore the Function of Your Smile

If you’re missing one or more teeth, it can be difficult to complete daily tasks, like eating, speaking clearly, and smiling with confidence. The good news is that there are a variety of tooth replacement options out there. At Riviera Family Dentistry of Denver, we offer customized dentures in Denver to restore the function of your smile. To find out if dentures are the right tooth replacement option for you, give us a call to schedule a consultation.

Woman smiling with dentures in Denver

Why Choose Riviera Family Dentistry of Denver for Dentures?

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Closeup of woman smiling with dentures

Aside from tooth loss, qualifying for dentures doesn’t take much. The prosthetics don’t have overly restrictive treatment requirements. Still, you should consult our dentists to settle the matter. They can perform an oral exam to see if you’re a good dentures candidate. That said, you needn’t panic if they believe you’re not one – alternative restorations are available. (You could also become a candidate later via preliminary dental work.) To learn more, just keep reading or call us for details.

Effects of Missing Teeth

A man pointing out his missing tooth

Before moving forward, it’s helpful to review tooth loss’ causes and effects. Keeping these factors in mind shows how dentures can protect oral health.

Overall, people can lose teeth for many reasons. A patient’s tooth may decay so much that it falls out or needs extraction. On the other hand, their gum disease could wear down the bone and tissue that secure their pearly whites. It’s also possible for teeth to be knocked out by an accident or injury.

In contrast, the effects of tooth loss are consistent yet severe. One of its major consequences is to make everyday tasks – eating, speaking, smiling, etc. – much harder. Another, meanwhile, is that its untreated smile gaps slowly erode your jaw. (Left unchecked, this process could trigger a facial collapse.) Those spaces can also cause your remaining teeth to tilt and fall out.

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

A dentist showing dentures to a senior patient

In addition to tooth loss, several factors affect whether a patient qualifies for dentures.

One such element is general oral health. After all, dentures only work if your gum and jaw tissues are sufficiently healthy. (The prosthetics lack support otherwise.) Furthermore, dentures can be a suitable way to replace decayed or sensitive teeth.

The number of teeth missing is also worth noting. Based on how many are lost, a patient will need one of two possible denture models. The first is a partial type that only replaces a few teeth. A full denture, though, is used when replacing all pearly whites along an arch.

You’d also be wise to consider finances in your treatment. You see, dentures actually cost less than other restorations. Consequently, they’re ideal tooth replacements for patients on small budgets.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

Dental bridge and dental implant materials against a blue background

Even if you’re not a good dentures candidate, you can explore our office’s other tooth-replacement options. These generally are:

  • Dental Bridges – Being a fixed restoration, a dental bridge is a set of dental crowns fused to a pontic. It thus clasps onto nearby teeth to support itself and stay in place.
  • Dental Implants – Dental implants are replacement teeth that fuse with your jawbone. Doing so makes them permanent parts of your jaw and don’t slip or fall. In exchange for such high-quality features, though, implants are more expensive than other restorations.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

Types of Dentures

Dentist holding dentures in Denver

There are a few different types of dentures that cater to a variety of different needs. During your initial consultation, we will determine which of the following will best restore your smile:

Partial Dentures

This option is ideal for patients who still have some healthy teeth remaining. A partial denture fits between the surrounding teeth like a puzzle piece. This way, missing teeth in different locations throughout the mouth can be replaced with a single restoration for each affected arch.

Full Dentures

This option replaces an entire row of missing teeth either on the upper or lower arch. Instead of being held in by clasps, traditional dentures are held into place by the shape and natural suction of the mouth. Full dentures are made with a gum-colored base and hold natural-looking replacement teeth into place.

Implant Dentures

If you’re looking for a sturdier, longer-lasting tooth replacement option, dental implant dentures are an excellent solution. These dentures are held into place with titanium, screw-like implants that are surgically placed in the jawbone to act as tooth roots. They allow for additional bite force and prevent bone loss from occurring over time.

How Dentures Are Made

Technician carving dentures

If you’re interested in getting dentures, you may be curious about how they are made. Dentures are completely customized, so it involves a multi-step process to ensure they are perfect for every patient. Whether you are getting a full or partial denture, here are the steps you can generally expect.

What Are Dentures Made Of?

Technician painting artificial teeth

Dentures are comprised of two main parts – the denture base and the replacement teeth. Here’s a closer look at what each one consists of:

  • Denture Base: This is the foundational structure that gives the artificial teeth support. This can be made from various materials, including acrylic, nylon, porcelain, resin, and metal. Full dentures are usually made from acrylic because they can be easily tailored to match the natural gum tissue.
  • Replacement Teeth: The replacement teeth are often made from resin or porcelain. Both of these materials have an appearance that closely resembles natural tooth enamel. For full dentures, porcelain is most popular thanks to its durability.

The Denture Creation Process

Technician filing dentures
  1. Your dentist will take impressions of your upper and lower gums. This will be used to create a plaster model that acts as a replica of your mouth. This model will be used to ensure that your final denture fits perfectly. During this time, measurements of your jaw will also be taken.
  2. The model will be sent to the dental laboratory where your dentures will be crafted. The technicians will make a wax version of the gumline.
  3. Replacement teeth are set into place. A mechanical device known as an articulator will be used to attach the teeth to the wax. Then, the technician will make minor adjustments by shaping and carving the wax to ensure that it looks like your gums. This wax base will be used for your finished dentures.
  4. The wax dentures are sent to the dentist for a fitting. If they are approved, they are sent back to the laboratory to complete the process.
  5. Once they are back at the dental lab, the technician will boil the dentures to melt away the wax portions. To do this, the dentures are placed in a flask. Then, the flask is filled with plaster to maintain the shape of the dentures. The whole flask is placed into hot water to melt the wax.
  6. Next, holes are made in the teeth, so the material attaches to them. A liquid separator is added to the plaster layer to prevent the acrylic from sticking to them. Acrylic is then injected into the flask to take the place of the wax.
  7. The plaster is carefully removed using special lab tools to reveal the denture. The acrylic dentures are placed in an ultrasonic bath to remove any remaining plaster.
  8. Any excess acrylic is cut away from the denture. After trimming, the denture will be polished.
  9. Now that it’s ready, the patient will return to the office for a fitting. Adjustments will be made as needed to ensure that everything feels and looks as it should.

Adjusting to Your New Dentures

Woman holding dentures

If your dentures feel strange or uncomfortable at first, don’t worry. This is perfectly normal. Initially, many patients experience mild soreness and difficulty chewing and speaking. With a little bit of time, your mouth will adjust to the dentures, and they will feel very similar to your natural teeth. You can speed up this adjustment process by sticking to soft foods, exercising your facial muscles, and experimenting with a denture adhesive. If the discomfort persists, give us a call so we can help.

The Benefits of Dentures

Woman smiling at dentist in Denver

Here are a handful of benefits that you can expect to experience when you get dentures:

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Wallet of money

Just like any other dental restoration, the cost of dentures will vary from person to person based on a variety of different factors. There are all sorts of things that contribute to the price. During your initial consultation, we will be able to determine exactly how much your new restoration will cost. Until then, here are some things for you to take into consideration.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dentures

Man smiling with dentures in Denver

Here are a few main factors that will contribute to the cost of your dentures:

  • The preparatory work that you need before you’re able to get your restoration will contribute to the overall cost. This includes gum disease treatment and tooth extractions.
  • The material that is used to create your dentures, like acrylic and porcelain, will affect the cost.
  • The number of teeth that you are needing to have replaced has a direct relationship to the cost.

Remember that cheaper dentures don’t mean better dentures. When you opt for budget dentures, you are much more likely to require frequent repairs and replacements. When you invest in a quality restoration, you will notice a difference!

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

Implant dentures in Denver

Implant dentures cost more than traditional dentures, but there is a good reason for it. Instead of being supported by the shape and suction of the gum tissue, implant dentures are held into place by a series of dental implants that are placed into the jawbone via a surgical procedure. This allows for many additional benefits, like being more lifelike and having additional stability. You don’t need to replace them every 5 to 7 years either. Dental implants are made to last for several decades.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Dental insurance form

In the majority of cases, you can expect some level of coverage for dentures. Many insurance plans cover up to 50% of your treatment, but this varies depending on the plan that you have. Our practice is in-network with numerous popular dental insurance providers. If you have any questions regarding your plan and what it covers, give us a call!

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

Man calculating cost of dentures in Denver

 If you don’t have any dental insurance, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be left completely on your own. We work with CareCredit and Sunbit – third-party financing companies that can split the cost of your treatment into manageable monthly installments. To learn more about your financial options, talk to one of our friendly team members.

To find out exactly how much you can expect your dentures to cost, schedule a consultation with us. We’re eager to help you get your smile back!

Dentures FAQs

Woman smiling with dentures in Denver

Dentures are a life-changing tooth replacement option for people who are missing several, most of, or all of their teeth. However, you may still have some unanswered questions about the restoration, so we’re here to help! Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we receive about dentures in Denver. If you don’t see the information that you’re looking for below, give us a call! We’d be happy to explain more about the process of getting dentures and schedule you for a consultation to learn more.

Should I Have All My Teeth Pulled to Get Dentures?

Repairing a damaged tooth whenever possible is always preferable to replacing it. Tooth extractions of any kind will only ever be recommended when absolutely necessary, like when a tooth is too damaged to save thanks to extensive decay, severe infection, or trauma that’s broken off most of the enamel. If all of the teeth in an arch are severely decayed or infected with gum disease, replacing them with dentures may be a viable option, but your dentist will always explore all of your options before recommending extractions for dentures.

Can I Sleep with My Dentures?

Dentists will generally recommend that you take your dentures out at night when you go to sleep. However, when you first get your dentures, you will typically be told to keep them in your mouth for 24 hours, including throughout the night. After this, you should be taking them out every evening. Wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, leading to soft-tissue irritation and potentially speeding up ridge resorption. Taking dentures out gives the gums a chance to recover and get the nutrients they need while you sleep.

Will It Hurt to Get Dentures?

If you need to have teeth extracted before getting dentures, you are likely to experience some discomfort after the oral surgery. Take your prescribed pain medication as directed and discomfort should improve after 3 to 5 days. When you first receive new dentures, some minor irritation may occur while your mouth adjusts to the new appliance. The amount of time this lasts will vary from person to person. If discomfort persists, give us a call so we can help!

Will Dentures Change the Shape of My Face?

When you lose your teeth, your facial muscles begin to sag, and that can give your face a sunken appearance. Ill-fitting dentures will provide support to the facial muscles that have collapsed, therefore improving your appearance. Ill-fitting dentures may not give your face the proper support it needs so it’s important to design each restoration so that it fits perfectly in your mouth. You should also have your dentures refitted or replaced as soon as you realized they don’t fit properly.