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Dental Fear and the Media

November 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Rachit Goyal @ 2:50 am
frightened person at dentist

It’s a widespread experience to feel apprehensive about dental visits, with approximately 36% of Americans sharing this fear. Interestingly, the roots of such phobias can often be traced back to the influence of popular culture. Movies, television, and various forms of media frequently depict dentistry in a negative light. Contrary to these portrayals, the truth is that dentists are not intimidating; instead, they strive to ensure treatments are comfortable and stress-free. To shed light on the intersection of dental anxiety and media, here’s an overview.

Media Portrays Dentistry Poorly

While it’s true that dental procedures can cause occasional discomfort, the media tends to exaggerate this reality, often portraying dentists as either bumbling or, at worst, downright evil. Such distorted depictions contribute to a widespread fear of dentistry, discouraging people from seeking essential care.

Take, for example, the character Dr. Alan Feinstone in the film “The Dentist.” As the storyline unfolds, this character goes on a rampage, causing death and destruction, leaving the audience with a distorted impression of dentists as sadistic and wicked.

A contemporary illustration is Dr. Julia Harris from the movie “Horrible Bosses.” In private, she unveils herself as a manipulative and aggressive boss who engages in sexual harassment with her employees. Such depictions may inadvertently lead one to believe that dentists derive pleasure from others’ suffering.

Dentists Aren’t Actually Scary

In contrast to media portrayals, dentists are not intimidating figures. They prioritize your health and strive to ensure that their treatments are as smooth and comfortable as possible. Qualified dentists take proactive measures to minimize pain, often administering numbing agents before any invasive procedures. Moreover, their non-invasive services are designed to be comfortable and pain-free.

Likewise, the extensive training dentists undergo minimizes the likelihood of complications for patients. The four-year program leading to a DDS or DMD equips them with precision in their field. Subsequently, many dentists pursue ongoing education to stay abreast of advancements and maintain sharp skills.

How a Dentist Can Help You Relax

In all honesty, numerous dentists provide a solution to address dental anxiety known as sedation dentistry. This specialized field aims to create a relaxed atmosphere for patients during their treatments. Sedation dentistry involves the use of sedatives to induce a state of calmness during dental procedures.

The process commonly involves nitrous oxide gas, oral medications, and intravenous injections. By employing these and similar techniques, you’ll experience a heightened sense of ease as your dental work progresses.

Don’t let media-driven dental anxiety cloud your judgment. Dentists are trustworthy professionals dedicated to providing excellent oral care and ensuring you maintain a great smile!

About the Practice

Riviera Family Dentistry is a practice that’s dedicated to delivering the smile you’ve always desired. Our comprehensive range of services encompasses preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, alongside emergency dental procedures. For those who experience dental fear or anxiety, our team provides dental sedation options to ensure that you experience a more comfortable visit. If you’re like to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, visit Riviera Family Dentistry’s website or call our office at (720) 640-0272.