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Why Dental Bone Grafts Are Sometimes Needed Before Dental Implants

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Rachit Goyal @ 7:47 pm
a patient during their dental implant consultation

Dental implants are unrivaled when it comes to replacing missing teeth; these ingenious posts can fully replicate the roots of lost teeth, resulting in a lasting and durable solution that doesn’t just feel great, but also looks beautifully lifelike. But in some cases, patients might require a supplemental dental bone graft before their jaw is capable of hosting implants. Here’s a closer look at this process and how it ultimately sets your implants up for lasting success.

A Closer Look at the Types of Dental Bone Grafts

The dental bone grafting process involves your dentist borrowing and repurposing bone from one part of your body (often the mouth, or sometimes an outside source like bovine or synthetic materials) and using it to fortify a particular area of your jaw in preparation for dental implants. By moving and placing this healthy bone tissue, your dentist can essentially recreate healthy bone tissues in areas where it’s needed.

Generally, there are four main types of bone grafts:

  • Socket preservations, which involve the graft materials being placed in the socket immediately following a tooth extraction.
  • Ridge augmentations, which allow your dentist to increase the volume and width of your jawbone, thus providing a solid base for your implants.
  • Sinus lifts, which are ideal when a patient needs implants in their upper jaw. Your dentist can lift the sinus membrane and place the bone graft underneath it, creating enough room to facilitate the implants.
  • Periodontal bone grafts, which can address the damage that the jawbone has sustained due to advanced gum disease.

How Dental Bone Grafts Set Your Implants Up for Success

The bottom line is that a dental bone graft is going to set your dental implants up for incredible success. The procedure does this by greatly increasing the chances of osseointegration successfully occurring. This refers to the process by which your implant posts, which are made of biocompatible materials, fuse with your jawbone. If this process isn’t able to happen, the jawbone won’t have an adequate amount of density and strength for supporting dental implants.

It’s also worth mentioning that patients who’ve had missing teeth for quite some time will likely need a graft, as missing teeth will cause the jawbone to deteriorate over time. If you’re a potential dental implant candidate and your dentist has informed you that you’ll require a bone graft before you can get implants, you’ve got nothing to fear!

About the Practice

Under the leadership of Dr. Luke Vernon and Dr. Zach Kingsberg, the team at Riviera Family Dentistry is excited to provide patients and families in the Denver area with an unmatched level of dental care. If you have any questions or concerns about dental implants or any of the associated preliminary procedures such as bone grafts, feel free to contact the office online or over the phone for additional information or assistance. Telephone: (720) 640-0272.